I’ve got to say – life is good. I’m in a joyful, grateful, and well balanced space these days.
First of all, work is awesome. I’m putting in just the right amount of hours at my part-time gig, working with fun new design clients, and expanding my horizons professionally.
I’m well connected to friends and family. August allowed me mucho time with my prego bestie, wedding dress shopping with Mum, and a long overdue Ladies Night with the girls. I also had a rockin’ sleepover with my niece, priceless down time with my honey, and finally celebrated the twin’s arrival this week.
I am healthy and strong. This is THE BEST time of year for healthy eating. Gardens are producing at full speed, and friends bestow me with their delicious bounties every time I turn around. Ray and I have enjoyed exploring new recipes too (check out these here and here). It’s amazing how good you feel when you honor your body with the right stuff. Last but not least, I’m following through on being active and exercising. (Shopping for a wedding dress can be an effective form of motivation…)
So what else is new? I’m pretty psyched to have another weekend off. It will be great to catch up on housecleaning, maybe even rearrange furniture a bit. I’m also in the mood to bake. Chances are I’ll go for a mondo batch of zucchini bread to wrap up the last of these ginormous zucchinis. Speaking of baking, I am so ready for fall. Snuggly fall weather, super cute fall clothes, and yummy fall food (can you say apple crisp, chili, or vegetable chowder?)
Of course I’m having an absolute blast with wedding planning too. Details seem to be falling into place, and we’re just about at the 9-month marker. Crazy! It’s all going by so fast. I focus on love and joy and celebrating the process <3
Enjoy your weekend everyone – Until next time!
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