Hold on to your delicates and your dryer sheets — today I’m going to talk about laundry. Did you know that 80% of households in America have a dryer whereas countries like Italy average only 3%? Air drying clothes can save money, reduce energy consumption, and even kill germs and bacteria thanks to the sun’s UV rays.
Project Laundry List is an event taking place in downtown Concord to promote the green advantages of using a clothesline. Creative displays have been hung at the Capital building and 13 businesses. In collaboration with Cyndi Rogers of Mariposa Designs, we worked on the design, construction, and installation of 5 displays: Bagel Works, Caffenio, Concord Camera, Gibson’s Bookstore, and Gondwana. Stay tuned to find out which window is the winner!
Bagel Works: Window on the left – your average plastic grocery bag… On the right – ANYTHING but ordinary bags woven from the plastic ones! Created by Crafty Kathy, these hardcore alternatives are available for purchase at KAZA.
Caffenio: Funky garland made of coffee filters and coffee mugs. A “tea” shirt is also shown hanging in the center.
Concord Camera: Jumbo clothespins hold slides, fantastic black and white photos (of clotheslines of course), and rolls of negatives to drying racks. Slides were also attached to a string of mini paper lanterns.
Gibson’s Bookstore: Folding the pages of a book goes against everything I was ever taught. I hate to even dog-ear a page to save my place! The end result, however, can be beautiful : )
Gondwana: Students from Rundlett Middle School gave us a hand with clothes cut from paper bags. Pictures and flags are also hung to represent the countries Gondwana practices Fair Trade with.
As a side note, holy window glare Batman!
Project Laundry List’s founder Alex Lee has been traveling to promote similar events in cities across America. For more information, visit www.laundrylist.org.
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