Beg your pardon while I pause to peruse these pleasant pantries :) Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 …
Room In Focus: Marvelous Mudrooms
I’ve been wrestling with writers block for months. So rather than write, let’s explore some fantastic spaces, room by room. Our adventure begins with what is typically the primary entrance to the home – the mudroom. Essential characteristics for a successful space: durable/easy to clean surfaces, oodles of storage, …
Kid Spaces
As a woman in her early 30s, it should come as no surprise that many of my friends/acquaintances are taking the next step in adulthood and becoming parents. Very exciting! One benefit to working with a designer, is having a friend to see you through life's many changes. A relationship that may start with a nursery can …
Organize It
A common New Year's resolution is to get organized and a great first place to start is by working on that troublesome closet. This especially works well this time of year because most people ended the holiday season with twice as much STUFF as they started with. So where does it go? While some organizing strategies …