Something has been bugging me since the last Things I’m afraid to tell you post. It was the last comment I made about feeling lazy/tired. Looking back, that bullet feels whiney and insincere to me, which undermines the whole point of writing from an authentic place. Bringing it up again today probably reveals another secret – I worry about what people may think of me… At any rate, here I am in all my vulnerable glory.
Perhaps the real truth is that I struggle with self discipline. I love interior design and the flexibility of being my own boss, but I struggle to stay “in the zone”. It’s kinda like the feeling of going back to work after a really great vacation. Ya know? Except that is almost every day…
Another reason for my less than focused lazy/tired comment was the fact that I was avoiding another, bigger truth. A seemingly happy and cheerful woman, many people don’t know that I struggled with depression for a very long time. I choose to share this with you now because I am commited to being REAL, and I believe it is part of the why behind what I do.
Looking back on the person that I was, my clothes were different, the music I listened to was different, my friends were different, and the physical space of my home and office were different. While I certainly am not a therapist, I can help people redefine a healthier sense of self or create a space for healing to occur through interior design.
So there you have it – the real me. Until next time dear lovelies 🙂
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